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If you want to find love bought for your money, we invite you to the world of cheating on date4you.net.

Basic information about date4you.net

At first glance, it looks like a regular website date, which resembles similar dating sites to search for a new date and thrill for those who are bored with their lives and have nowhere to spend their money. There is a wide enough age range, but most members are men and women of 35-55 and older. It is necessary to pass registration to see anything on the site, such as design, prices, photos, and community members. On the one hand, it is so-called protection and confidentiality, but on the other hand, it is a blind registration of the account.

The site for date has a browser-integrated location member service, so it automatically suggests the members groups close to you. However, this is a dubious service, since there is no proof that the user is precisely in the specified location.

As for the data company, we found the following in our review.

Company TrafficPartner B.V.
Address Frans Erensstraat 14 A
City 5921 VG Venlo
Country Netherlands
Support email [email protected]
Phone number +31 (0)7720610 24

When checking the site for trust and security, it was found out in the review that it was created based on other dating sites with a low level of trust links. It is a bad sign which means that date4you.net is some kind of trick to avoid negative consequences.

In addition, when scanning the links website for domain reputation and IP, we found a sign of spam and malware SpamhausDBL software, which indicates the unreliability of the resource. Moreover, there are no upload apps, and using a PC is not always convenient and safe.

How to register at date4you.net

The developers have simplified the registration profiles as much as possible, leaving only a few fields in the browser:

That’s all. You will get a confirmation email, but if you ignore it, you still can use all the profile options. It is an excellent opportunity to create a lot of fake members for a fake date, which is not confirmed in any way. If you want to avoid filling in the fields, you can use Facebook or Google.

The same concerns age. It says here that users must be at least 18 years old. However, no photo or other options are necessary to confirm – whether it’s a child or a teenager. Again, manual moderation is not provided, as our reviews prove.

As soon as you register your account, you immediately fall into the trap of endless newsletters, special offers, promotions, and messages from new interesting people and fake community members. There will be plenty of emails and messages – all to get you to pay money for contact. In addition, the page is full of promotional links to the sites you should not click on.

What features might surprise on the date date4you.net website

The site’s options do not differ from thousands of other dating sites. After free registration, the user gets to the main page, where it is possible to switch between sections:

You can optionally choose an age for a search date with interesting people ranging from 18-99 years old. You also have to choose who you want to find from the group members – man woman.

In addition to the chat, additional details such as presents, gifs, likes, and other prizes to be paid in coins help to get even more money out of you.So our review asks, how lonely are you to be interested and give presents to fake profiles?

By the way, do not try to visit the profile from a cell phone. Only the computer version is available to visitors of the platform.

Pros and cons

Conducting a review of the website for the date, we hardly found any positive features. Such details include:


The website becomes useless for online dating if you have no money. If you have money, you will spend it on comment in chat, but you will never see this user, even if it says that the contact lives next door.

How much will you have to pay on date4you.net

According to reviews, fake profiles on websites work great for the company’s business, extorting money for conversations in the chat. After free registration, the member can’t do anything unless he deposits money into the account. You will receive endless complimentary messages from new “friends”, but you won’t be able to answer them on contact without coins on your account.

The tariffs are divided into several packages:

The prices can vary depending on the users’ location, which shows another trick of the company, which adjusts to the solvency of each woman or man.

Considering that it costs 50 cents to send messages to chat, the coins dissipate significantly. Even bonus supplements don’t save the situation. Fake transactions are conducted by experienced operators who know how to involve you professionally in an active conversation by comment.

Safety & Security

After an in-depth review of the website, we realized that registration here and entering accurate personal user data is quite dangerous. The thing is that no one can guarantee you the security of the information you share. The so-called SSL encryption is present only on paper, but the entire data is controlled by the operators, which is absolutely unacceptable.

If you want to remove or block your profile on the computer, it could be easily used to create fake pages for fraudulent purposes. Your photo, location, login, and other details profile will benefit the company’s profit. We have seen numerous cases of identity theft from other social networks and social sharing sites such as facebook, twitter, linkedIn to expand the online dating site database during the review.

Particularly dangerous and alarming Terms and Conditions

Very few people who have profiles on websites actually read the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy of the dating sites. Yet, it is what the company owners are counting on, and they are not to blame in the proceedings. So, the thing that particularly alarmed us in the terms review:

MP Mobile uses professional animators and operators for the entertainment of the Users, who are not identified separately in the system. This Service is provided in the highest quality. Real meetings are not possible with these operators. Users can only send them messages within the portal.

Source: https://date.date4you.net/assets/tplegal/tc.html

In other words,the reviews prove that you will be entertained, not encouraged to free date and meet with real community members. What does this mean? That you pay for answers to professionally modeled comments in chat that have nothing to do with the content. You may receive an email from attractive members of the site, who do not exist in reality, and it’s all just a fake!

There are other risks in the Terms and Conditions, which state that the administration is not responsible for any leaked profile information and can change the current conditions without informing the client. Therefore, the user must constantly read all the rules himself, the interpretation of which is too veiled in many cases.

The conclusion from our review of date4you.net

This scam site crosses all boundaries. The promised free love, friendship, and open letters don’t correspond to reality. Every account that writes is fake, which is stated in the site’s Terms and Conditions.

The security of user data will be in danger, so we do not recommend you enter any meaningful information about yourself on this site if you are interested in your confidentiality. Even after deleting your account, its login will be used for scam purposes, profiting from naive people in the network.


  • It is a site that promises to brighten up your loneliness and help you search for a new real date, love, and affection. But these fake resources are only interested in your money. You will not meet any real members.
  • All actions which take place on this site are scam. People are fooled by fake profiles pretending to be real users. You should not give your money to scammers.
  • Definitely yes. Using fake and stolen data pretending to be real people is a scam to extort money.
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