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If you feel lonely and want to flirt on the internet – the dating site find my babe offers a no-strings-attached relationship with beautiful and interesting partners. But how real are all the people on the site? It is worth examining in the review which is a bot and who is a real person.

A brief description of dating site findmybabe.com

A simple, unpretentious interface of site dating find my babe from the company Meteor Interactive BV surprised by its simplicity and uncomfortable format. However, the main landing page, which is the face of the entire website, did not receive enough attention. But the hope remains that the content and service will be more elaborate.

Starting our review of the website, we first read all the consumer reviews we found in the public domain. Then, we compared it to other dating sites by many parameters. They do not please us in any way – the other former community members complain about fraudulent activity and scam accounts. So, it was urgent to find out whether it was true that the dating site find my babe presented fictional information or it were just tricks of the competitors.

First, it is necessary to say a few words about the company name which owns the site. Unfortunately, it was impossible to find out the owner of the website for the date, as well as other members of the company. However, we managed to find some data.

Company name Meteor Interactive BV
Address Savannahweg 17
Index 3542AW Utrecht
Country Netherlands
Support email [email protected]

Today, this is the most comprehensive information available on the internet in the public domain about this website.

As for the site find my babe, the direction of the service is to help women and men all over the world to find new casual dating for communication and flirting, both temporary and more long-term. Like on many other dating sites, you should be 18 years old to register here because the photos and sending messages may be dedicated to erotic themes and even more. The main audience of website visitors is men and women from all over the world, from 35 to 55 years old and older.

Like many other websites, the dating site is loyal to all religious beliefs, sexual proclivities, races, skin colors, and other differences. People can identify themselves as they want because photos are not moderated manually. Due to this approach, no one can be sure whether he is talking to a babe free or a fat, bald guy.

Continuing our babe review, we found a lot of curious data, which is very alarming and points to fake profiles of users on this website. It is because there are many bad reviews on the internet from former customers of the company, who were not satisfied with the cooperation because of the ubiquitous fake bots responding with automated emails. But is it true? Keep reading our reviews on dating sites to learn more.

The registration process on my babe

Before registering your account, it is worth taking a closer look at the starting landing page. You can see a map with photos of fake profiles designed to convince you to pay money. It is not an unsubstantiated statement but quite a proven fact. In addition, it is mentioned in terms of Agreement with users.

If the presence of fictional profiles doesn’t stop you, you can register for free on the site. We don’t recommend entering too much personal information because nobody will guarantee its safety to you here. So, to become a full member of the dating club, you need the following:

It is all you need to get your own account at this stage. It should pay tribute to the company – it sends letters to the email and asks you to confirm the profile by clicking on the link. But many other websites around the world do the same. But how hard is it to create thousands of addresses to pay off hundreds of thousands of times from the pockets of other consumers? Have you changed your mind about registering at these dating sites? Then let’s move on with the review.

After completing a free registration, the system will ask you to fill out a profile with more information and set up a profile picture. That would be pretty normal for a reputable dating site. However, bearing in mind find my babe, everything is not so unambiguous because the company does not guarantee the anonymity of personal information.

It would be best if you were more careful to share your data and location so as not to regret their future dissemination on the network. And as far as we know from reviews of former clients, this practice is not new to this resource.

Features of the dating site

Perhaps, lazy developers create the site because its functionality, fullness, and convenience leave much to be desired. However, there is enough money on fake profiles to at least make the most comfortable conditions for their victims, as other sites do.

The main menu and sections are absent, so you will have to get used to looking for everything by random clicking. While compiling the review, we had trouble finding the correct information, and we still figured out how to find the man woman and set the location.

There are only a few function keys, which are represented by icons:

Do not even try to download all this on your smartphone. The site display is incorrect, and the icons are difficult to distinguish. Unfortunately, the dating site does not offer an app for any mobile platform, so you must communicate only from your computer.

The main trick of find my babe is an interactive map that displays photos of people – registered users. Then, using the “right” and “left” arrows, you can move around the map and view members’ profiles.

Pros and Cons

To find at least some positive characteristics, we had to work hard. However, if you want to, you can find something:

The downsides are much easier because there are many more:

Regarding profiles that have been deleted from the site, many negative clients’ reviews complain about the further use of their photos and other data to create fake profiles on the computer. It is a real scam, as it is not legit to provide anonymity contact details to third parties.

Prices for find my babe

Meteor interactive company sets rates for coins, selling them in packages. The price changes continuously, adjusting to the current market realities. At the same time, it is worth noting that the charging is automated, but users can stop this process in their profile. It will take more than one day, so it is worth worrying about canceling payments in advance by setting a reminder on your phone. There were some consumer reviews when the cancellation was made the day before the charge-off, and the support team did not react appropriately, so the money was deducted from the bank card.

So, how much does virtual flirting with fake profiles cost in chat:

You can pay by credit card or via Google Pay. But we would not recommend entering such contact details on this site, regardless of the claimed SSL encryption.

Safety & Security

According to numerous tests, the site is not reliable or secure. At the same time, there is real data encryption. You can see it by the lock in the address bar of the dating website. But this fake protection will not protect your data from being used by operators for the company’s purposes. For example, after you change your mind about paying them and delete your account, your profile will be used for commercial gain. There are a lot of cases like that, and it’s worth reading the reviews of their former clients.

By the way, do not be lazy and read the Terms of Agreement and Security. You will find a lot of interesting things there. All we can say is that meteor interactive is not responsible for any information published in your profile or on the dating website, so it does not guarantee its safety.

It is essential to understand that your photos, data cards, chats, and much more are not closed to the company’s owners in any way. Based on this information, a new fake account is formed, and it is unclear how your photos will be used on the internet.

We find the following point in the services

A big mistake made by almost everyone in the community is ignoring the Rules and Services sites. Moreover, it was difficult even for us to understand the information mess in this section, even with much experience in studying such documents.

At first glance, everything is beautifully described, and there is a sense of security. But you need to be able to separate the good from the bad and read between the lines. In addition to the fact that the company is not responsible for violating your anonymity, it can change its rules at any time and not inform you about them. Will you have enough free time to reread a mile-long document every day?

So as not to waste your time, we found an interesting paragraph that directly refers to fake profiles. It says the following:

You also understand that this is a fantasy entertainment service, that (i) the profiles are fictional, and your interaction will be with the operators.

Source: https://www.findmybabe.com/agreement

Perhaps there’s not much to explain here except that you’re paying money for fake dialogue that experienced operators create. There are no likes, face-to-face meetings, or dates – just virtual words made up by trained bots. Instead, the whole dating website and the company owner should be perceived as animators who take advantage of the gullibility of real community users and lure money with sweet messages in the chat.

The conclusion from our review of findmybabe.com

At the end of our review, we want to warn everyone who is looking at this and similar casual dating sites to find affection. You will not find any real people here, but you will pay quite a lot of money for fake messages in chat from bots controlled by operators. Each sms is sent for coins and you won’t have time to send one reply before dozens of other mails arrive.

The company’s goal is to make money, not help you find someone. In addition, the temporary flirtation on find my babe will be accompanied by a very harsh eroticism that not all visitors are ready for.


  • Dating website pretends to be hosting concepts of regular dating like a site for casual dating, but in fact, it operates with the feelings of users for a selfish purpose. All it takes from you is money to spend on bots to reply to fake emails.
  • There is no question of any legit activity when bots being controlled by the operators communicate under the guise of real people. In addition, all data of the visitors can be used by third parties, and the company does not provide any guarantees.
  • Scam actions concern everything related to this site to date, from scam forms to deliberate delaying of the support team to disable the paid option.
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