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Match2night is one of the insufficient dating sites that will let you down by stealing your money instead of offering real matches and dates in person.

The Key Match2night Points

Match2night greeted us with a poorly organized landing page. Therefore, we got concerned about fake services before we completed the registration.

The resource is a strange combination of black and pink colors, creating a weird image in the end. The links to essential things, such as pricing, their terms, and privacy policy are not clearly detected, and an average user will never see them while scrolling the main page. New members on this online dating website will hardly find useful information about contact data, paid subscriptions, and the overall solutions of this fake casual dating website.

But we managed to find out more information about the company that runs this website. You need to learn it before you sign up on this website using your personal account. Grab the further information to reach them:

Company name Info Media International AG/ Mountain Top Digital AG
Company location Baarerstrasse 133, 6300, Zug, Switzerland
Phone number +16466471467
E mail [email protected]


The company that runs this website, digital ag,  is well-known for the creation of dishonest fake resources rejecting honest dating. Going on with our review on Match2night, let’s discover together why this website is that bad and why you shouldn’t sign up here.

Working With Match2Night: What Awaits You

Though this website claims to be not only casual dating site, but the best dating site in its niche, we met only fake profiles of mature woman here. When we decided to start our work and continue Match2Night review, we were even surprised by how many pop-up windows the website contained. The registration window was imbued with them, and we had to include not that much information to gain access to this dating site:

But everything was extremely laggy. Creation of the account was extended significantly. Even filling all fields that were on one single browser page was insufficient. We had to wait at least 30 seconds between filling each field because the website was just downloading it for too long. And after that, we noticed a psychological trick.

When we completed filling all the fields and were ready to enter our new profile, we started seeing a huge number of different windows. First, we had to read about child protection, and after that, we had to read about the rules of the resource. But the last 2 windows contained their privacy policy and terms of security. This is the very first time we faced something like that conducting our dating sites reviews.

This way, people who just join the website will see unnecessary windows that are not interesting to them, and they will skip them while they sign up. And by skipping these windows, users of Match2night will skip 2 important windows that prove that the website is only created to scam people via fake profiles. Just fascinating. But let’s talk more about services right now in our match2night.com review.

What services match2night provides foremost

When you only join this website, you see a lot of profiles. But just imagine how fake they are. There is no single real profile, and all of them are naked.

Also, all of these women in fake profiles are focused on sex. Talking about sex while your casual dating means that your interlocutor is fake, and that the dating service you use is not fair.

From the very beginning, we thought that this website was focused on senior dating, because we only could see women that are 50+. And yes, all these women were naked. And the most curious thing is that the site asked us about the preferred age. The preferred age range we mentioned was 21 – 35, but all the profiles were at least 40+. We decided to sign up for an account again, but the situation was the same.

But for our review, that wasn’t a major issue. We could still try contacting women there. Sending a message or two could be enough. But will the site give us such option?

Why you may need to forget about match2night

The site provides you with nothing beneficial. Starting with the design, nothing here is made for convenience. The only goal of the site is to show you some nudity of fake profiles to make you pay for the services.

Going to the profiles, we found out that the site took no care of our preferences. For example, the resource could simply show us photos of men instead of women. Such ignorance from Match2night comes as true disrespect for users of the site.

Also, talking about disadvantages, we can claim:

But what came as the worst moment of this insufficient dating website? It was the payment while we were conducting the match2night.com review. On one hand, their willingness to make us pay made it literally impossible to use the resource. All the actions on the site were followed with them insisting on buying credits. On other hand, when we wanted to see their offers, the site didn’t let us even scroll through the site until we pay. So we decided that it was time to manage our funds and tell you more about their membership.

Match2night services cost

To begin with, there is no subscription or membership on this site. Moreorer, there are no trial plans. You have to buy their credits, which you have to spend on literally everything when interacting with fake profiles. Sending friend requests, sending messages, and even liking profiles. All these actions are paid, and you have to take care of your credits when you decide to use at least something.The prices are a complete rip off.

Buying credits comes for:

It is extremely expensive, especially when Match2night makes this currency essential for every single action on the resource. Messages are the only thing you will use here as a common member. And don’t believe that this coin plan is non recurring. We had to pay a lot to attend their fake chat and send our messages.

But let’s be fully clear. All profiles are fake women with a lot of naked pictures. Simply, they are just bots that insist on sexual contact. Sometimes, their desires sound so dark that you will forget that you are on a dating platform but not on some darknet resource. And you will not be able to search for members on this online dating portal. If you like someone to date or to chat with, you will never be able to do that. This online dating site will never offer you such solutions.

And the worst part appeared when we realized that we couldn’t simply reply to these fake women without any difficulties. We decided to buy 10 messages and chose 1 woman to chat with. That was a very expensive report for us. Every single message to fake profiles felt like it is was golden, and we didn’t want to waste it in this fake chat.

Security issues on match2night

Security is an empty sound for Match2Night. If there was at least something safe, the site would never be able to scam other people with their fake services. But the main issue comes with the chatting system on this scam site, where you are free to send messages to other members.

This is the best way to steal your personal information. The site doesn’t even try to hide its true intentions and focuses on it. You have to pay to have your data stolen, and, unfortunately, this is how scamming sites work now. It might sound fantastic, but using all data the users give to this site to register or to pay for services, Match2night gains an ability to find social medias of their victims.

As our match2night.com review proved it, sending messages to other members here will never be successful. It is impossible to date people from this online dating site in real life. Other dating sites focus on giving at least something real to their members, even if their services are not that great. But this scam dating site with free registration will take your ability to send messages for free away without any doubts.

And what about the payment? Is that safe to pay to fraudsters of such online dating portal? Of course, not. You are not provided with reliable payment solutions. This means that you have to include all your banking data on the site in order to buy credits. Though the site claims its services non reccuring, you will be charged every week, which, at least, gives a reason to try to cancel this subscription.

Does match2night justify its scam?

The review on this scamming resource led us to their Terms and conditions, which came just as proof that the site was created to scam people to get their money. They say:

You acknowledge that most of the profiles on the Website are fictitious and they have been created only to exchange messages with users and therefore real-life meetings with these fictitious profiles are therefore not possible.

Source: https://match2night.com/agreement
This is just a common justification for their Internet scam. The site claims that you will be the only one responsible for all illusions about Match2night members, and you will never locate a real date on this resource.


When we first visited Match2night, it looked like a cheap fake template of a low-quality site. And we were not mistaken. The resource appeared to be not only a waste of time, but a huge scamming network involved in blackmailing its users after stealing their money.

This dating site only focuses on insufficient dating selling you their gold membership counted in credits. Match2night fake profiles are only focused on creating illusions about real life contacts. But you will only meet negative comments here and get a lot of messages about sex for entertainment purposes. Simple strategy for a rip off. These fictitious profiles of other users will never show real interest in chatting with you. They just want you to complete credit purchasing to send them messages.

The result of Match2night review is obvious. The site provides no fair services, just pure scam. Don’t use it if you want to save your money. Always remember that the Internet is full of dubious dating entertainment services and fake dating sites.


  • Match2Night is a scamming online dating site that steals money from common people who want to find some love in a world of adult dating. It steals your personal information, your banking data, your funds, and your time. You will interact with  other users in a fake chat, where you will meet no real members.
  • Match2Night is not a legitimate application that is focused on ripping you off. This site not only takes users’ money away, but also uses all the gathered information in order to blackmail them into using dating websites. There is nothing legitimate in the work of this resource.
  • Match2night is a huge scam platform focused on giving you a ton of naked pictures to make you donate. But after the donation, you will either be ignored or will chat with fake bots.
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