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Twomance.com review has proved that Twomance will never be your option to achieve desired dating goals.

Essential Facts About Twomance.com

Twomance is an online dating website that cannot express its goals clearly. In fact, it looks like a website for people of all ages from the US. The main orientation, of course, is adult dating. But the main thing you need to know is that this is just a scam resource held by White Mountain Online Solutions. This company is in charge of creating typical dating sites that are focused on pure scams.

The details about the company are the following:

Company name White Mountain Online Solutions BV
Company location Stormsweg 2-E 292112 Krimpen aan den Ussel The Netherlands
Email address [email protected]


You will never find the website owner using these details, because the website will never let people interact with its owners properly. The heart icon on the main page means nothing because the real trust score of this website is nearly around 0. This company has a lot of experience in providing you with Internet scams. However, they want to make their total scam more successful and pay for fake reviews trying to strike negative reviews. All this is to lure men into scamming them further.

This is because they steal money from average users that want to find a sweet match online. But how does this website work? Let’s learn more about it in our twomance.com review.

Begin Your Work With Twomance

To start your online dating quest on twomance, you have to register. The registration process looked pretty simple, and we could have finished it much earlier but for one nuance. The majority of Internet links just lead to registration. Domains with information are hidden, so no single person will find it without some assistance.

But first, let’s see what you need to include:

As you can see, there is not that much info, and we put it in without any difficulties. Of course, it was rather slow, but the main issue came when we realized that we were blocked. The website didn’t let us register using our test email for reviews. Negative reviews did their job, and this scam dating site owner prevented being exposed. But we had an extra option, so we entered the website to see what it could provide.

What are the services on Twomance?

The only “decent” thing available on the website is chatting. But even it was implemented badly. You can chat only with fake members that start their spam attacks only a minute after you register on the website.

This was the very first thing we noticed. Even more, while we were registering, every single window changed with photos of women, and they became more and more naked. The same thing with the profiles.

Every single woman here is fake, but the most interesting part is that some of these profiles are located on another domain, and we were sent to CrushNearby, another fake dating website. And yes, it is impossible to contact at least someone real here.

Each reload of the website provided us with even more naked women. At first, it was more like Facebook pages, but shortly after, the website showed us hidden members whose photos were full of sex. We immediately realized that this website was just a scam where you would never meet someone real. But maybe we are too strict? Probably there are some beneficial features?

Twomance cons

The website is a scam resource that only looks real. The fact that with each action on the website you see more and more naked women profiles might be counted as an advantage by many people, but we claim that this is creepy.

Furthermore, every single person on this website is so fake that we could find their account photos on Google. A simple check determined everything about this site. These scammers didn’t even try to perform better and took photos for their fake accounts right from the very first browser page they opened.

Moreover, all the processes were too laggy. And when the spam attack began, we couldn’t even open messages. All we saw was a preview of a message with some filthy flirting. So we had to pay to start chatting with them.

Prices on twomance

The only way to use the site is to buy their credits. There is no way to buy a premium subscription or other sort of their membership. And the prices were rather high.

Only premium-quality dating websites can afford such a pricing method. But Twomance is not a premium quality site. It is just a scam site that blocked our account shortly after we bought messages. We tried to gain access again, and we even tried to use the VPN to reach it again, but nothing worked. They just took our money and left us with nothing at all.

But we can conclude that all tier fake services are paid. The owner of the website provided its members only with free registration. This is for making his scam dating websites more successful. New members will see this bait and will just come here to buy tokens to spend them in a fake chat.

Just imagine people who pay money to this site thinking that there will be something of a luxury. They will find just fake profiles. Even more, some users can get an option to chat with other members on this scam service, but that will be an even worse mistake than just paying. Want to learn why? Read about it below.

Security problems you will face on Twomance

The main issue you will face is the fact that you are not talking to real people. Many users looking for adult dating who are unlucky enough to get access to the site after paying will tell something to these bots. This way, the site will get access to more of your personal details and will use them for further scams or blackmail. But don’t think that such cases are rare. Many people even didn’t tell anything to Twomance admins and received letters with blackmail.

Secondly, you will also have to enter all your banking details on the site. They have a separate browser page for it. This way, you will just lose all the possible protection that will be on your card. And many people experienced it. They were additionally charged for nothing after buying at least the cheapest package. Has the site any excuses?

From the Terms and Conditions section

The site will give you no protection. This is because they claim you are responsible for every single action on the site. You can read what they say:

You also understand that this is a fantasy entertainment Service and that (i) the profiles are fictional and your interactions will be with operators.

Source: https://www.twomance.com/agreement
Therefore, twomance justifies its fake chat and lets you know you will never be able to meet with your potential crush in reality. You may say that the site is fair since they mention that scam in their terms, but how many people read the lengthy terms on dating services? Bet just some out of thousands of users pay attention to that section.

The Conclusion About Twomance

Twomance is an immoral dating site that pretends to be a decent dating resource. Trying to create the picture of luxury, it provides no excellent services but a lack of any contact with reality and fake profiles. Our twomance.com review has proved that these scammers aim at giving you fake chat for impossible man woman communication.

Chat moderators here are absent, so these fake members can start spamming you seconds after you registered. The owner of this network of scam dating websites just focused on giving fake services for sky-rocketing prices. This is why you should read more expert reviews, or just try to contact people who will suggest you proper dating options.

This site tries to scam everyone who joins it. Twomance is just a mistake on a dating map, and you should avoid using it if you want to get the best quality dating.


  • Twomance is a lacking dating resource focused on scamming gullible users. The owner of this scam site provides a false image of a dating platform that aims at stealing your money and personal data.
  • Twomance is not a legitimate service. This site is created to scam people and steal their money, information, and banking details. Admins of this site will scam and blackmail all users who join it. You will never be able to contact their support team or set up real dates with fantasy profiles.
  • Twomance is a scam application that provides users with only profiles of fake women that don’t even know that their photos are on the website. This site was just created to steal your money. Negative reviews on this website prove this point.
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